International Wushu Competition Routines
Auteur(s) :Traduit par : Xie Shoude
ISBN :962-238-153-7
Date de parution :2006-03-28
Pages :333
Poids : kg
Dimensions :185x260mm
Prix :33.00 €

Wushu, as an international competitive sport is truly developing on a worldwide scale in leaps and bounds. There is an urgent need to standardize wushu competition routines in order that Chinese and foreign competitors may compete on equal footing. Thus, the Chinese Wushu Research Institute of China organized a group of professors, specialists, famous wushu trainers and top level artists to develop a set of seven standard competition routines, namely, Changquan (Long Boxing), Nanquan (Southern Style Boxing), Taijiquan, Daoshu (Broadsword Play), Qiangshu (Spear Play), Jianshu (Sword Play) and Gunshu (Cudgel Play).
These seven competition routines, which are improved in content, specification of movements, compact structure, routine layout, number of movements and series of movements and competition time limits, all conform with the international wushu competition rules.